2018 RBRR
Wow, that was a roller coaster! It's RBRR entry season and once every 2 years Chinn Towers goes mental with paperwork, except this time it didn't. It went mental with web based shenanigans! We went 'on the line' as they say, gone were the paper forms, envelopes, stamps, cheques - in came the virtual world. Keith Bennett has been working away and has created a new website with an events area for us organisers to create and administer events. It's been a long time coming and we did have to burn the midnight oil to get it all working but it's there and survived. OK so it was not without it's issues but those were mainly due to the fact that the event 'engine' runs on the web site backbone so we couldn't have the event engine without the new site. The new site isn't 100% ready but I wanted to press on with the event engine and well, we did have a few issues. Most of them are due to the new site needing users to sign in and synchronise (sor...