Do you need a Magazine?

eBay Seller: zoe deere: Magazines, Books, Comics Magazines items on

My daughter Zoe is disposing of my collection of magazines - acquired from various sources in a quest for info on World Cup Rally cars etc. I've done a deal with her that I'll help her list them on eBay and she can pocket the profit - if she makes any :-)
I think she should make a few quid but we've kept the prices down so we can shift them - if you need anything from the 80's and 90's. Titles include Practical Classics, Classic & Sportscar, Your Classic, Autosport, Motor, Classic Car, Cars & Car Conversions and many others. There are an absolute load of Practical Classics mags. As I acquired piles of them I have got 2 and 3 copies of the same mag in some cases.
I am a terrible collector and unable to throw stuff away so help her to help me!!
All proceeds go to sending her to see her mate in Florida OR towards her dream car, a Herald Coupe.


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