Motor change completed

Well it was really sickening when the motor went bang, the wife was upset, even the kids noticed. I explored the professional options to fixing it but they were just too expensive, it was effectively a total loss!
I couldn't have that, it had been with me a long time and hell! I liked it - so I decided to fix it myself. New engine from eBay and several hours work and it was done. I did have to strip it down to it's component parts though, I took it apart just about as far as you can go, I even replaced some other bits and bobs and cleaned it all - it's back together and back in service now :-)

And here she is in all her glory!

Yeah so Mr Dyson, I know you are the Devil for you designed this feindish contraption to never be disassembled by a layman - but screw you! I did it and won - I never had a manual just the phone help from an ace guy on the Isle of Wight - Malc the Dyson Doctor :-)

Now I just need the Vitesse to be that "simple"!


reeksy said…
Jumping Jee-hoover!
Can we expect a stage-by-stage Haynes manual on the Dyson soon :-D
Jason said…
Never - far too bloody complicated! It's not that you need loads of special tools or anything (torx screw driver and circlip pliers helped) it's just that it's so counter intuitive to work on - stuff needs to be assembled loosley and then secured from underneath, ensuring that unless you have 3 hands it all falls apart again. I did swear a lot but I only threw it across the room once.

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