Happy as a pig in sh...

I dropped into Canley Classics on Thursday, I was on my way to Newcastle for a meeting the next day. As I pulled into the carpark, what did I see but the unmistakable outline of a Standard Atlas Van!

Dave has been after one for ages and he was as happy as a pig in sh1t. What a good un he's got too. These things are weird - forward control, 948 (this one has a 1200 in it) and transverse leaf spring front end

The driving poosition is interesting with your feet 1" from the front corner of the van and the gearlever at your elbow. The pictures are misleading as the seats are just resting in the cab, backwards and all over the place!

Below is the front, yes the front suspension - the weird air scoop think is a weird aid scoop thing for the shrouded radiator. The rod on the left is the steering linkage.

This is the rear suspension, with "convensional" cart springs.

It's really in quite remarkable condition considering it was last taxed in about 1978 if the tax disc is to be believed.

Well done Dave!

All the pictures are here http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/JRChinn/StandardAtlasAtDavesPlace for anyone THAT interested :-)


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