Think plumbing

Well after yesterday's investigations, cut short by the arrival of friends, Pimms and a rather nice meal on the patio, I sorted out a plan of attack.
Despite my advanced state of merriment I had chatted to James Carruthers and sorted out an order for Think Automotive. The idea was that although I have several lengths of seriously over spec Aeroquip TFE braided racing hose, I don't have enough in a single run to do the whole job. So I've gone for a lesser spec Aeroquip "push-on" hose - this stuff has a 1000psi burst pressure, should do the trick :-) With fixtures and fittings added the order is complete and went down the wire last night. I also found a suitable large bore "T" piece for the fuel return, it was on eBay and will be coming to me from Wales.
So all I have to do now is make a hole in the front chassis rigger where the DPO (Dumb Previous Owner) plated the stock hole - no I don't mean Dave Walker, the previous previous owner! Once through the front rigger I'll take the hose up "above" the chassis and along the car, out of harms way and as far away form the exhaust as I can get. I need to figure out how to keep it there, may resort to some cable ties. From there it can enter the boot space via the existing drain hole. I need to source some grommets I think.
Stuff left to do

  1. Buy a fire extinguisher - better safe than sorry
  2. Tune the end float on the Lucas pump so it draws minimum amps. I'm not sure my multimeter works and I'm a crap auto electrician but I'll have a go.
  3. Find a way to fit the cooling coil, maybe remake the cradle the pump sits in, it's quite tempting to do this in aluminium sheet - we have a good metal stock holders nearby so I may go get some to play with.
  4. Plumb in a "helper" pump for the Lucas pump to positively pressurise the input side. I have a facet solid state pump, I may use that - it seems to allow flow when not running but I'm not sure if it will protest - I suppose I could run it all the time. I've been talking to Kastner about this, more on my conversations with him another time - he's a mine of information. I've also been chatting to another tuner - Gareth Thomas, who is now in Estonia! again, more on that another time.
  5. Tidy up the throttle linkage and fit a stronger more reliable return spring.
  6. Source some suitable pipe to make the plenum to throttle body joiners, I've mocked it up with toilet roll tubes (exactly the right diameter!) and I've sorted out the right length to clear the throttle linkage and yet retain sufficient clearance to close the bonnet! I know I can do it with 450mm of 48mm inside diameter tube, just where to get it from at a suitable price? I may just bite the bullet tonight and order it from for £45 a metre but then again I might mix some resin and paint my toilet roll holders for nowt!
  7. An air filter - the friend who cam round yesterday says he has a ram air cone filter that might fit, I'll have to ping him the measurements. Ultimately some ducting and a filter close to the air flow in the front of the bonnet might be a good idea.
  8. Sort out the tell tale drain from the pump, this needs to be routed outside the car so another hole and grommet in the boot. I'd like to route it away from the exhausts too so there'll need to be some under the boot jiggery pokery there!
  9. Re-mount the filter bowl lower, I think I can do this by turning the brackets upside down and re-bolting. This should make it all sit inside the spare wheel well.
  10. Make a boot floor - piece of MDF or ply or similar - so I can use the boot again
  11. Mount the spare wheel in the boot, on the new boot floor - for local trips and when i don't need the space I'll carry it, for anything else I can leave it at home and substitute a can of tyre jizz.
  12. Change the fuel filter - just in case, get a spare too.
  13. Source a take off for the fuel pressure gauge I've got - ideally fit that under the bonnet. I've also found an adjustable pressure switch that I could use to wire in a low pressure warning light - it's £20 mind you so it's a way down the list.
  14. Recon a couple of injectors, a spare pump and a spares kit for the car - best to carry this stuff.
  15. Select or buy some tools specific to the car - there's a tool kit in the Sixfire that stays in it, the Vitesse has a few odds and sods but it's not very well thought out!
  16. Oh and get some inserts in the cylinder head but that's a whole other can of worms!!!


Think Plumbing?

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