Funny what you find when you're not looking

I have a growing collection of old car magazines, I get them for the World Cup articles but I'm usually too tight to pay eBay prices plus postage unless they are very cheap! Anyway, I was making a note of what I've got and scanning the articles to create a separate reference source - I know, I am anorak - but then if you've read this far, so are you! So I'm scanning a rather delicate 35 year old magazine page (it's already fallen out) and I'm flicking through what's left of the mag only to find this article on the Traco Rover V8 - that could just have been the engine that went into car No 1 from the World Cup Rally. Legend has it that there were spare engines, a shamed rally car and a lot of chaps with the know how and time on their hands to create a monster - the car was known for being a monster in it's later short life on the road and drag strip.


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