Latest on the TSSC message board thing

I'm not going to follow suit with a couple of the guys who've emailled me and call it the "Jason Incident" - makes me sound like a deviant.

Anyway, message board access not yet sorted, David Aspinal sent me an email to apologise for not yet issuing his statement, he says it'll happen today. Not sure whether David wants to do that first before letting me back or whether, as I suspect, it's just circumstances with him being away from a computer or on the road - from what he say he's certainly all over the place - bit like me I guess, I was in Norwich yesterday.

Anyway, thanks to the guys reading this Blog some of what I'm saying is getting onto the board and being read by the members.

I'm pleased that this episode is being talked about and has raised interest. I've got over 90 emails about it and that doesn't include the discussions raised on other boards. I do hope we can learn some lessons and have some more open debates without fear of being censored or booted off the board. Whatever the motives, it's the effect that counts - people see hassle, pain, upset and anger caused by a simple question.


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